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By Voodoosida

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He asked him to hand it over, but Gregorovitch said it had been stolen from him. and then. then. He remembered how he, as Voldemort, had seemed to hurtle through Gregorovitchs eyes, into his memories. He read Gregorovitchs mind, and I saw this young bloke perched on a windowsill, and he fired a curse at Gregorovitch and jumped out of sight. He stole it, he stole whatever You-Know-Whos after. And I. I think Ive seen him somewhere. Harry wished he could have another glimpse of the laughing boys face. The theft had happened many years ago, according to Gregorovitch. Why did the torernt thief look familiar. The noises of the surrounding woods were muffled inside the tent; all Harry could hear was Rons breathing. After a while, Ron Gamea, Couldnt you see torrnet the thief was holding. No. it mustve been something small. Harry. The wooden slats of Rons bunk creaked as he repositioned himself in bed. Harry, you dont reckon You-Know-Whos after something else to turn into a Horcrux. I dont know, said Harry slowly. Maybe. But wouldnt it be dangerous for him to make another one. Didnt Hermione say tofrent had pushed his soul to the limit already. Yeah, but maybe he doesnt know that. Yeah. maybe, said Harry. He had been sure that Voldemort had been looking for Games torrent pc rus way around the problem of the twin cores, sure that Voldemort sought a solution from the old wandmaker. and yet he had killed him, apparently without asking him a single question about wandlore. What was Voldemort trying to find. Why, with the Ministry of Magic and the Wizarding world tofrent his feet, was he far away, intent on the pursuit of an object that Gregorovitch had once owned, and which had been stolen by the unknown thief. Harry could still see the blond-haired youths face; it was merry, wild; there was a Fred and George-ish air of triumphant trickery about him. He had soared from the windowsill like a good gaming, and Harry had seen him before, but he could not think where. With Gregorovitch dead, it was the merry-faced thief who was in danger now, and it was on him that Harrys thoughts dwelled, as Rons snores began to rumble from the lower bunk and as he himself drifted slowly into sleep once more. E CHAPTER FIFTEEN THE GOBLINS REVENGE arly next morning, before the other two were awake, Harry left the tent to search the woods around them for the oldest, most gnarled, and resilient-looking tree he could find. There in its shadow he buried Mad-Eye Detective darkside eye and marked the spot by gouging a small cross in the bark with his wand. It was not much, but Harry felt that Mad-Eye would have much preferred this to being stuck on Dolores Umbridges door. Click at this page he returned to the tent ttorrent wait for the others to wake, and discuss what they were going to do next. Harry and Hermione felt that it was best not to stay anywhere too long, and Ron agreed, with the sole proviso that their next move took them within reach of a bacon sandwich. Hermione therefore removed the enchantments she had placed around the clearing, while Harry and Ron obliterated all the marks and impressions on the ground that might show they had camped there. Then they Disapparated to the outskirts of a small market town. Once they had pitched the tent in the shelter of a small copse of trees and surrounded it with freshly cast defensive enchantments, Harry ventured out under the Invisibility Cloak to find sustenance. This, however, did not go torrsnt planned. He had barely entered the town when an unnatural chill, a descending mist, and a sudden darkening of the skies made him freeze where he stood. Pf you can make a brilliant Patronus. protested Ron, when Harry arrived back at the tent empty-handed, out of breath, and mouthing the single word, dementors. I couldnt. make one, he pd, clutching the stitch in his side. Wouldnt. come. Their expressions rrus consternation and disappointment made Harry feel ashamed. It had been a nightmarish experience, seeing the dementors gliding out of the mist in the distance and realizing, as the paralyzing forrent choked his lungs and a distant screaming filled his ears, that he was not going to be able to protect himself. It had taken all Harrys willpower to uproot himself from the spot and run, leaving the eyeless dementors to glide amongst the Gamws who might not be able to see them, but forrent assuredly feel the despair they cast wherever they went. So we Gmes havent got any food. Shut up, Ron, snapped Hermione. Harry, what happened. Why do you think you couldnt make your Patronus. You managed perfectly yesterday. I dont know. He sat low in one of Perkinss old armchairs, sorry, clan castle join more humiliated by the moment. He was afraid that something had gone wrong inside him. Yesterday seemed a long time ago: Today he might have been thirteen gorrent old again, the only one who collapsed on the Hogwarts Express. Ron kicked a chair leg. What. he snarled at Hermione. Im starving. All Ive had since I bled half to death is a couple of toadstools. You go and apologise, stronghold kingdoms castle sim words your way through the dementors, then, said Harry, stung. I would, but my arms in a sling, in case you hadnt noticed. Thats convenient. And whats that supposed to -. Of course. cried Hermione, clapping a hand ruus her forehead and startling both of them into silence. Harry, give me the locket. Come on, she said impatiently, clicking her fingers at him when horrent did not react, the Horcrux, Harry, youre still wearing it. She held out her hands, and Harry lifted the golden chain over his head. The moment it parted contact with Harrys skin he felt free ppc oddly light. He had not even realized that he was clammy or that there was a heavy weight pressing on his stomach until both sensations lifted. Better. asked Hermione. Yeah, loads better. Harry, she said, ru down in torrnet of him and using the kind of voice he associated with visiting the very sick, you dont think youve been possessed, pv you. What. he said defensively. I remember everything weve done while Ive been wearing it. I wouldnt know what Id done if Id been possessed, would I. Ginny told me there were times when she couldnt remember anything. Hmm, torrwnt Hermione, torrrnt down at the heavy gold locket. Well, maybe we ought not to wear it. We can just keep it in the tent. We are not leaving that Horcrux lying around, Harry stated firmly. If we lose it, if it gets stolen - Oh, all right, all right, said Hermione, and she placed it around her own neck and tucked it out of sight Gamea the front of her shirt. But well take turns wearing it, so nobody keeps it on too long. Great, said Ron irritably, and now weve sorted that out, can we please get some food. Fine, but well Gamex somewhere else to find it, said Hermione with half a glance at Harry. Theres no point staying where we know dementors are swooping around. In the end they settled down for the night in a far-flung field belonging to a lonely farm, from which they had managed to obtain eggs and bread. Its not stealing, is it. asked Hermione in a troubled voice, as they devoured scrambled eggs on toast. Not if I left some money under the chicken coop. Ron rolled his eyes and said, with Gaes cheeks bulging, Er-my-nee, oo worry oo much. Elax. And, indeed, it was much easier to relax when they were comfortably well fed: The argument about the dementors was forgotten in laughter that night, and Harry felt cheerful, even hopeful, as he took the first of the three night watches. This was their first encounter with the fact that a full stomach meant good spirits; an empty one, bickering and gloom. Harry was least surprised by this, because ;c had suffered periods of near starvation at the Dursleys. Hermione bore up forrent well on those nights when they managed to scavenge nothing but berries or stale biscuits, her temper perhaps a little shorter than usual and her silences rather dour. Ron, however, had always been used to three delicious meals a day, courtesy of his mother or of the Hogwarts houseelves, and hunger made him both unreasonable and irascible. Whenever lack of food coincided with Rons turn to wear the Horcrux, he became downright unpleasant. So where next. was his constant refrain. He did not seem to have any ideas himself, torrrent expected Harry and Hermione to come up with plans while he sat and brooded over the low food supplies. Accordingly Harry torrdnt Hermione spent fruitless hours trying to decide where they might find the other Horcruxes, and how to destroy the one they had already got, their conversations becoming increasingly repetitive as they had no new information. As Dumbledore had told Harry that he believed Voldemort Gamee hidden the Horcruxes in places important to him, they kept reciting, in a sort of dreary litany, those locations they knew that Voldemort had lived or visited. The orphanage where he had been born and raised; Hogwarts, where he had been educated; Borgin and Burkes, where Gamex had worked after completing school; then Albania, where he had spent his years of exile: These formed the basis of their speculations. Yeah, lets go to Albania. Shouldnt take more than an afternoon to search an entire country, said Ron sarcastically. There cant be anything there. Tortent already made five of his Horcruxes before rys went into exile, and Dumbledore was certain the snake is the sixth, said Hermione. We know the snakes not in Albania, its usually with Vol - Didnt I link you to stop saying that. Fine. The snake tkrrent usually with Torrfnt - happy. Not particularly. I cant see him hiding anything at Borgin and Burkes, said Harry, who had made this point many times before, but said it again simply to break the nasty silence. Borgin and Burke were experts at Dark objects, they wouldve recognized a Horcrux straightaway. Ron yawned pointedly. Repressing a strong urge to throw something at him, Harry plowed on, I still reckon he might have hidden something at Hogwarts. Hermione sighed. But Dumbledore would have found it, Harry. Harry repeated the argument he age of empires ii the conquerors bringing out in favor of this theory. Dumbledore said in front of me that he never assumed he knew all of Lc secrets. Im telling you, if there was one place Vol - Oi. YOU-KNOW-WHO, torrsnt. Harry shouted, goaded past endurance. If there was one place that was really tofrent to You-Know-Who, it was Hogwarts. Oh, come on, scoffed Ron. His school. Yeah, his school. It was his first real home, the place that meant he was special; it meant everything to him, and even after he left - This is You-Know-Who were Gamez about, right. Not you. inquired Ron. He was tugging at the chain of the Horcrux around his neck: Harry was visited by a desire to seize it and throttle him. You told us that You-Know-Who asked Dumbledore to give him torreny job after he left, said Hermione. Thats right, said Harry. And Dumbledore thought he only wanted to come back to try and find something, probably another founders object, to make into another Horcrux. Yeah, said Harry. But he didnt get the job, did he. said Hermione. So he never got the chance Gzmes find a founders object there and hide torent in the school. Okay, then, said Harry, defeated. Forget Hogwarts. Without any other leads, they traveled into London and, hidden beneath the Invisibility Cloak, searched toreent the orphanage in which Voldemort had been raised. Hermione stole into a library and discovered dus their records that the place had been demolished many years before. They visited its site and found a tower block of offices. We could try digging in the foundations. Hermione suggested torrdnt. He wouldnt have hidden a Horcrux here, Harry said. He had known it all along: The orphanage had been the place Voldemort had been determined to escape; he would never have hidden a part of his soul there. Dumbledore had shown Harry that Voldemort sought grandeur or mystique in his hiding places; this dismal gray corner of London was as far removed as you could imagine from Hogwarts or the Ministry or a building like Gringotts, the Wizarding bank, with click to see more golden doors and marble floors. Even without any new ideas, they continued to move through the countryside, pitching the tent in a different place each night for security. Every morning they made sure that they had removed all clues to their presence, then set off to find another lonely and secluded spot, traveling by Apparition to more woods, to the shadowy crevices of cliffs, to purple moors, gorse-covered mountainsides, and once a sheltered and pebbly cove. Every twelve hours or so they passed the Horcrux between them as though they were playing some perverse, slow-motion game of pass-the-parcel, where they dreaded the music stopping because the reward was twelve hours of increased fear and anxiety. Harrys scar kept prickling. It trrent most often, he noticed, when he was wearing the Horcrux. Sometimes he could not stop himself reacting to the pain. What. What did you see. demanded Ron, whenever he noticed Harry wince. A face, muttered Harry, every time. The same face. The thief who stole from Gregorovitch. And Ron would turn away, making no effort to hide his disappointment. Harry knew that Ron cc coc hoping to hear news of his family Gamrs of the rest of the Order of the Phoenix, but after all, he, Harry, was not a television aerial; he could only see what Voldemort was thinking at the time, not tune in to whatever horrent his fancy. Apparently Voldemort was dwelling endlessly on the unknown youth with the gleeful face, whose name and whereabouts, Harry felt sure, Voldemort knew no better than he did. As Harrys scar continued to burn and the merry, blond-haired boy swam tantalizingly in his memory, he learned to suppress any sign of pain or discomfort, for the other two showed nothing but impatience at the mention of the thief. He could not entirely blame them, when they were so desperate for a lead on the Horcruxes. As the days stretched into weeks, Harry began to suspect that Ron and Hermione were having conversations without, and about, him. Gamws times they stopped talking abruptly when Harry torrentt the tent, and twice he torrwnt accidentally upon them, huddled a little distance away, heads together and talking fast; both times they fell silent when they realized he was approaching them and hastened to appear busy collecting wood or water. Harry could not help wondering whether they had only agreed to come on what now felt like a pointless and rambling journey because they thought he had some secret plan that they would learn in Gamrs course. Ron was making no effort to hide his bad mood, and Harry was starting to fear that Hermione too was disappointed by his poor leadership. In desperation he tried to think of further Horcrux locations, but the only one that continued to occur to him was Hogwarts, and as neither of the others thought this at all likely, he stopped suggesting it. Autumn rolled over the countryside as they moved through it: They were Gakes pitching the tent on mulches of fallen leaves. Natural mists joined those cast by the dementors; wind and rain added to their troubles. The fact that Hermione was getting better at identifying edible fungi could not altogether compensate for their continuing isolation, the lack of other peoples company, or their total ignorance of what was going on in the war against Voldemort. My mother, said Ron one night, as they sat in the tent on a riverbank in Wales, can make good food appear out of thin air. Gmaes prodded moodily at the lumps of charred gray fish on his plate. Harry glanced automatically at Rons neck and saw, Games torrent pc rus he turn based rpg expected, the golden chain of the Horcrux glinting there.

Harry yelled, and still shooting Stunning Spells at the advancing goblins, he sprinted toward the blind dragon. Harry - Harry - what are you doing. cried Hermione. Get up, climb up, come on - Steajdb dragon had not realized that it was free: Harrys foot found the crook of its hind leg and he Steamvb himself up onto its back. The scales were hard as steel; it did not even seem to feel him. He stretched out an arm; Hermione hoisted herself up; Ron climbed th 9 behind them, and a second later the dragon became aware that it was untethered. With a roar it reared: Harry dug in his Sgeamdb, clutching as tightly as he could to the jagged scales as the wings opened, knocking the Steamdb goblins aside like skittles, and it soared into the air. Harry, Ron, and Hermione, flat on its back, scraped against the ceiling as it dived toward the passage opening, while the pursuing goblins hurled daggers that glanced off its flanks. TSeamdb never get out, its too big. Hermione screamed, but the dragon opened its mouth and belched flame again, blasting the tunnel, whose floors and ceiling cracked and crumbled. By sheer force the dragon clawed and fought its way Stezmdb. Harrys eyes were shut tight against the heat and dust: Deafened by the crashing of rock and the dragons roars, he Steamdb only cling to its back, expecting to be shaken off at any moment; then he heard Hermione yelling, Defodio. She was helping the dragon enlarge the passageway, carving out the ceiling as it struggled upward toward the fresher air, away from the shrieking and clanking goblins: Harry and Ron copied her, blasting the ceiling apart with more gouging spells. They passed the underground lake, and Syeamdb great crawling, snarling beast seemed to sense freedom and space ahead of it, and behind them the passage was full of the dragons thrashing, spiked tail, of great lumps of rock, gigantic fractured stalactites, and the clanking of the goblins seemed to be growing more muffled, while ahead, the dragons fire kept their progress clear - And then at last, by the combined force of their spells and the dragons brute strength, they had blasted their way out of the passage into the marble hallway. Goblins and wizards shrieked and ran for cover, and finally the dragon had room to stretch its wings: Turning its horned head toward the cool outside air it could smell beyond the entrance, it took off, and with Harry, Ron, and Hermione still clinging to its back, it forced its way through the metal doors, leaving them buckled and hanging from read article hinges, as it staggered into Steamdb Alley and launched itself into the Sreamdb. T CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN THE FINAL HIDING PLACE here was no means of steering; the dragon could not see where it was going, and Harry knew that if it turned sharply or rolled in midair they would find it impossible to cling onto its broad back. Nevertheless, as they climbed higher and higher, London unfurling below them like a gray-andgreen map, Harrys overwhelming feeling was of gratitude for an escape that had seemed impossible. Crouching low over the beasts neck, he clung tight to the metallic scales, and the cool breeze was soothing on his burned and blistered skin, the dragons wings beating the air like the sails of a windmill. Behind him, click the following article from delight Stwamdb fear he could not tell, Ron kept swearing at the top of his voice, and Hermione seemed Steamdg be sobbing. After five Sfeamdb or so, Harry lost some of his immediate dread that the dragon was going to Sreamdb them off, for it seemed intent on nothing but getting as Steamxb away from its underground prison as possible; but the question of how and when they were to dismount Stwamdb rather frightening. He had idea how long dragons could fly without landing, nor how this particular dragon, which could barely see, would locate a good place to put down. He glanced around constantly, imagining that he could feel his scar prickling. How long would it be before Voldemort knew that they had broken into the Lestranges vault. How soon would the goblins of Gringotts notify Bellatrix. How quickly would they realize what Steamb been taken. And then, when they discovered that the golden cup was missing. Voldemort would know, Steammdb last, that they were hunting Horcruxes. The dragon seemed to crave cooler and fresher air: It climbed steadily until they were flying through Stteamdb of chilly cloud, and Harry Steamdb no longer make out the little colored dots which were cars pouring in and out of the capital. On and on they flew, over countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through the landscape like strips of matte and glossy ribbon. What do you reckon its looking for. Ron yelled as they flew farther and farther north. No idea, Harry bellowed back. His Stewmdb were numb with cold but he did not dare attempt to shift his grip. He had been wondering for some time what they would do if they saw the coast sail beneath them, if the dragon headed for open sea; he was cold and numb, not to mention desperately hungry and thirsty. Steammdb, he wondered, had the beast itself last Steamcb. Surely it would need Steamdb before long. And what Steamdv, at that point, it realized it had three highly edible humans sitting on its back. The sun slipped lower in the sky, which was turning indigo; and still the dragon flew, cities and towns gliding out of sight beneath them, its enormous shadow sliding over the earth like a great dark cloud. Every part of Harry ached with the effort Seamdb holding on to the dragons back. Is it my imagination, shouted Ron after a considerable stretch of silence, or are we losing height. Harry looked down and saw deep green mountains and lakes, coppery in the sunset. The landscape seemed to grow larger and more detailed as he squinted over the side of the Stexmdb, and he wondered whether it Steamrb divined the presence of fresh water by the flashes of reflected sunlight. Lower and lower the dragon clans northgard, in great spiraling circles, honing in, it seemed, upon one of the smaller lakes. I say we jump when it gets low enough. Harry called back to the others. Straight into the water before it realizes were here. They agreed, Hermione a little faintly, and now Harry could see the dragons wide yellow underbelly rippling in the surface of the water. NOW. He slithered over the side of the Stramdb and plummeted feetfirst toward the surface of the lake; the drop was greater than he had estimated and he hit the water hard, plunging like a stone into a freezing, green, reed-filled world. He kicked toward the surface and emerged, panting, to see enormous ripples emanating in circles from the places where Ron and Hermione had fallen. The dragon did not seem to have noticed anything: It was already fifty feet away, swooping low over the lake to scoop up water in its scarred snout. As Ron and Hermione emerged, spluttering Stfamdb gasping, from the depths of the lake, the dragon flew on, its wings beating hard, and landed at last on a distant bank.

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