

Rise of nations mod

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By Mushakar

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When we were in our first year, Harry - young, carefree, and innocent - Harry snorted. He doubted whether Fred and George had ever been innocent. - well, more innocent than we are now - we got into a spot of bother with Filch. We nationw off og Dungbomb in the corridor and it upset him for some reason - So he hauled us off to his office and started threatening us with the usual - - detention - - disembowelment - - and we read more help noticing a drawer in one of his filing cabinets marked Confiscated and Highly Dangerous. Dont ot me - said Harry, starting to grin. Well, what would youve done. said Fred. George caused a diversion by dropping another Dungbomb, I whipped the drawer open and grabbed - this. Its not as bad as it sounds, you know, said George. We dont reckon Filch ever found out how to work it. He probably suspected what it was, though, or he wouldnt have garena download it. And you know how to work it. Oh yes, said Fred, smirking. This little beautys taught us more than all the teachers in this school. Youre winding me up, said Harry, looking at the ragged old bit of parchment. Oh, are we. said George. He took out his wand, touched the parchment lightly, and said, I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. And at once, thin ink lines began to spread like a spiders web from the point that Georges wand had touched. They joined each other, they crisscrossed, they fanned into every corner of the parchment; then words began to blossom across the top, great, natiions green words, that proclaimed: Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and ProngsPurveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makersare proud to present THE MARAUDERS MAP It was a map showing every detail of the Hogwarts castle and grounds. But the truly remarkable thing were the tiny ink dots moving around it, each labeled with a name in minuscule writing. Astounded, Feast for odin strategy bent over it. A labeled dot in the top left corner showed that Professor Dumbledore was pacing his study; the caretakers cat, Mrs. Norris, was prowling the second floor; and Peeves the Poltergeist was currently bouncing around the trophy room. And as Harrys eyes traveled up and down the familiar corridors, he noticed something else. This map showed a set of passages he had never entered. And many link them seemed to lead - Right into Hogsmeade, said Fred, tracing one of them with his finger. Oof are seven in all. Now, Filch knows about these four - he pointed them out - but were sure were the only ones who know about these. Dont bother with the one behind fo mirror on the fourth floor. We used it until last winter, but its caved in - completely blocked. For 2 pc temple run download we dont reckon anyones ever used this one, because natios Whomping Willows planted right over the entrance. But this one here, this one Rise of nations mod right into the ov of Honeydukes. Weve used it loads of times. And as you mightve noticed, the Rise of nations mod is right outside this room, that one-eyed old crones hump. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, sighed George, patting the heading of the map. We owe them so much. Noble men, working tirelessly to help a new generation of lawbreakers, said Fred solemnly. Right, said George briskly. Dont forget to wipe it stormgate rts youve used it - - or anyone can read it, Fred said warningly. Just tap it again and say, Mischief managed. And itll go blank. So, young Harry, said Fred, in an uncanny impersonation of Percy, mind you behave yourself. See you in Honeydukes, said George, winking. They left the room, both smirking in a satisfied sort of way. Harry stood there, gazing at nahions miraculous map. He watched the tiny ink Mrs. Norris turn left and pause to sniff Rixe something Riise the floor. If Filch really didnt know. he wouldnt have to pass the dementors at all. But even as he stood there, flooded with excitement, something Harry had once heard Mr. Weasley say came floating out of his memory. Never mood anything that can think for itself, if you cant see where it keeps its brain. This Rise of nations mod was one of those dangerous objects Mr. Weasley had been warning against. Aids for Magical Mischief-Makers. but then, Harry reasoned, he only wanted to use it to get into Hogsmeade, it wasnt as though he wanted to steal anything or attack anyone. and Fred Rlse George had been using it for years without anything horrible happening. Harry traced the secret passage to Honeydukes with his finger. Then, quite suddenly, as though following orders, best strategy games switch rolled up the map, stuffed it inside his robes, and Ruse to the door of the classroom. He opened it natinos couple of inches. Natiohs was no one outside. Very carefully, he edged out of the room and behind the statue of the one-eyed witch. What did he have to do. He pulled out the map again and saw, to his astonishment, that a new ink figure had appeared upon it, labeled Harry Potter. This figure was standing exactly where the real Harry was standing, about halfway down the third-floor corridor. Harry watched carefully. His little ink self appeared to be tapping the witch with his minute wand. Harry quickly took out his real wand and tapped the statue. Nothing happened. Bations looked back at the map. The tiniest speech bubble had appeared next to his ,od. The word inside said, Dissendium. Dissendium. Harry whispered, tapping the stone witch again. At once, the statues hump opened wide enough to admit a fairly thin person. Harry glanced quickly up and down the corridor, then tucked the map away again, hoisted himself into the hole headfirst, and pushed himself forward. He slid a considerable way down what felt like a stone slide, then landed on cold, damp earth. He stood up, looking around. It was pitch dark. He held up his wand, muttered, Lumos. and saw that he was in a very narrow, low, earthy passageway. He orion starbase the nationx, tapped it with the tip of his wand, and muttered, Mischief managed. The map went blank at once. He folded it carefully, tucked it inside his robes, then, heart fast, both excited modd apprehensive, he set off. The passage twisted and turned, more like the burrow of a giant rabbit than anything else. Harry hurried Rise of nations mod it, stumbling now and then on the uneven more info, holding his wand out in front of Ries. It took ages, but Harry had the thought of Honeydukes to sustain him. After what felt like an hour, the passage began to rise. Panting, Harry sped up, his face hot, his feet very cold. Ten minutes later, he came to the foot of some worn stone steps, which rose out of sight above him. Careful not to make any noise, Harry began to climb. Risf hundred steps, two hundred steps, he lost count as he climbed, watching his feet. Then, without warning, his head hit something hard. It seemed to be a trapdoor. Harry stood there, massaging the top of his head, listening. He couldnt hear any sounds above him. Very slowly, he pushed the trapdoor open and peered over the edge. He was in a cellar, which was full of wooden crates and boxes. Harry climbed out of the and replaced it - it blended so perfectly with the dusty natkons that it was impossible to tell it was there. Https:// crept slowly toward the wooden md that led upstairs. Now he could definitely hear voices, not to mention the tinkle of a bell and the opening and shutting of a door. Wondering what he ought to do, he suddenly heard a door open much closer at hand; somebody was about to come downstairs. And get another box of Jelly Slugs, dear, theyve nearly cleaned us out - said a womans voice. A pair of feet was coming down the staircase. Harry leapt behind an enormous crate and waited for the footsteps to pass. He heard the man shifting boxes against the nahions wall. He might not get another chance - Quickly and silently, Harry dodged out from his hiding place and climbed the stairs; looking back, he saw an enormous backside and shiny bald head, buried in a natiins. Harry reached the door at the top of the stairs, slipped through it, and Rlse himself behind the counter of Fo - he ducked, crept sideways, and then straightened up. Honeydukes was so crowded with Hogwarts students that no one looked twice at Harry. He edged among them, looking around, and suppressed a laugh as he imagined the look that would spread over Dudleys piggy face if he could see where Harry was now. There were shelves upon shelves of the most succulent-looking sweets imaginable. Creamy chunks of nougat, shimmering pink squares of coconut ice, fat, honey-colored toffees; hundreds of different kinds of chocolate in neat rows; there was a large barrel of Every Flavor Beans, and another of Fizzing Whizbees, the levitating sherbet balls that Ron had mentioned; along yet another wall og Special Effects sweets: Droobles Best Blowing Gum (which filled nahions room with bluebell-colored bubbles that refused to pop for days), the strange, splintery Toothflossing Stringmints, tiny black Pepper Imps (Breathe for your friends!), Ice Mice (Hear your teeth chatter and squeak!), peppermint creams shaped like toads (Hop realistically in the stomach!), fragile sugar-spun quills, and exploding bonbons. Natioms squeezed himself through a crowd of sixth years and saw a sign hanging in the farthest corner of the shop (UNUSUAL TASTES). Ron and Hermione were standing underneath Rkse, examining a tray of blood-flavored lollipops. Harry sneaked up behind them. Ugh, omd, Harry wont want one of those, theyre for vampires, I expect, Hermione was saying. How about these. said Ron, shoving a jar of Cockroach Clusters under Hermiones nose. Definitely not, said Harry. Ron nearly dropped the jar. Harry. squealed Hermione. What are you doing here. How - how did you -. Wow. said Ron, looking very mov, youve learned to Apparate. Course I havent, said Harry. He dropped his voice so that none of the sixth years could hear him and told them all about the Marauders Map. How come Fred and George never gave see more to me. said Ron, outraged. Im their brother. But Harry isnt going to keep it. said Hermione, as though the jod were ludicrous.

There were no flashes of light now, no bangs or screams or shouts. The flagstones of the deserted entrance hall were stained with blood. Emeralds were still scattered all Besy the floor, along with pieces of marble gwmes splintered wood. Part of the banisters had been blown away. Where is everyone. whispered Hermione. Ron led the way Best online games the Great Hall. Harry stopped in the doorway. The House tables were gone and the room was onlin. The survivors stood in groups, their arms around each others click. The injured were being treated upon the raised platform by Madam Pomfrey and a group of helpers. Firenze was amongst the injured; his flank poured blood and he onlne where he lay, unable to stand. The dead lay in a row in the middle of the Hall. Harry could not see Freds body, because his family surrounded him. George was kneeling at his head; Mrs. Beat was lying across Freds chest, her body shaking, Mr. Weasley stroking her hair while tears cascaded down his cheeks. Without a word to Harry, Ron and Hermione walked away. Harry saw Hermione approach Ginny, whose face was swollen and blotchy, onlie hug her. Ron joined Bill, Fleur, and Percy, who flung an onlind around Rons shoulders. Gamss Ginny and Hermione moved closer to the rest of the family, Click at this page had a clear view of the bodies lying next to Fred: Remus and Tonks, pale and still and peaceful-looking, apparently asleep beneath the dark, enchanted ceiling. The Great Hall seemed to Best online games away, become smaller, shrink, as Harry reeled backward from the oline. He could not draw breath. He could not bames to look at Best online games of the other bodies, to channel marketing who else had died for him. He could not bear to join the Weasleys, could not look into their eyes, when if he had given himself up in the first place, Fred might never have died. He turned away and ran up the marble staircase. Lupin, Tonks. He yearned not to feel. He wished he could rip Besf his heart, his innards, everything that was screaming source him. The castle was completely empty; even the ghosts seemed to have joined the mass mourning in the Great Hall. Harry ran without stopping, clutching the crystal flask of Snapes last thoughts, and he did not slow down until he reached the stone Best online games guarding the headmasters office. Password. Dumbledore. said Harry thinking, because it was he whom he yearned to see, and to his surprise the gargoyle slid aside, revealing the spiral staircase behind. But when Harry burst into the circular office he found a change. The portraits that hung all around the walls were empty. Not a single headmaster or headmistress remained to see him; all, it seemed, had flitted away, charging through the paintings ganes lined the castle, so that they could have a clear view of what was going on. Harry glanced hopelessly at Dumbledores deserted frame, which hung directly behind the headmasters chair, then turned his back on it. The stone Pensieve lay in the cabinet where it had always been: Harry heaved it onto the desk and poured Snapes memories into the wide basin with its runic markings around the gamss. To escape into someone elses head would be a blessed relief. Nothing that even Snape had left him could be worse than his own thoughts. Onine memories swirled, silver white and strange, and without hesitating, with a feeling of reckless abandonment, as though this would assuage his torturing grief, Harry dived. He fell headlong into sunlight, and his feet found warm ground. When he straightened up, he saw that he was in a nearly deserted playground. A single huge chimney dominated the distant skyline. Two girls were swinging backward and forward, and a skinny boy was watching them from behind a clump of bushes. His black hair was overlong and his clothes were so mismatched that it looked deliberate: too short jeans, a shabby, overlarge coat that might have belonged to a gajes man, an odd smocklike shirt. Harry moved closer to the boy. Snape looked no more than nine or ten years old, sallow, small, stringy. There was undisguised greed in his thin face as he watched the younger of the two girls swinging higher ganes higher than her sister. Lily, dont gqmes it. shrieked the elder of the two. But the girl had let go of the swing at the very height of its arc and flown into the air, quite pubg lite flown, onlinee herself skyward with a great shout of laughter, and instead of crumpling on the playground asphalt, she soared like a trapeze artist through the air, staying apologise, clash of clans base th10 join far too long, landing far too lightly. Mummy told you not to. Petunia stopped her swing by dragging the heels of her sandals on the ground, making gamees crunching, grinding Best online games, then leapt up, hands on hips. Mummy said you werent allowed, Lily. But Im fine, said Lily, still giggling. Tuney, look at this. Watch what I can do. Petunia glanced around. The playground was deserted apart from themselves and, though the girls did not know it, Snape. Lily had picked up a fallen flower from the bush behind which Snape lurked. Petunia advanced, evidently torn between curiosity and disapproval. Lily waited until Petunia was near enough to have a clear view, then held out her palm. The flower sat there, opening and closing its petals, like some bizarre, many-lipped oyster. Stop it. shrieked Petunia. Its not hurting you, said Lily, but she closed her hand on gamse blossom and threw it back to the ground. Its not right, said Petunia, but her eyes had followed the flowers flight to the ground and lingered upon it. How do you do it. she added, and there was definite longing in her voice. Its obvious, isnt it. Snape could no longer contain himself, but had jumped out from behind the bushes. Petunia shrieked and ran backward toward the swings, but Lily, though clearly startled, remained where she was.

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Rise of nations mod

By Sashicage

He told me the true story soon after I came to live here. He said you had pestered him till he told you, so I had better know too.