

Portal steam

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By Akim


Now, whats the platform number. said the boys mother. Nine Protal three-quarters. piped a small girl, also red-headed, who was holding her hand. Mum, cant I go. Youre not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first. What looked like the oldest boy marched toward platforms nine and ten. Harry watched, careful not to blink in case steaj missed it stalker shadow of chernobyl but just as the boy reached the dividing barrier between the two platforms, a large crowd of tourists came swarming in front of him and by the time the last backpack had cleared away, the boy had vanished. Fred, you next, the plump woman said. Im not Fred, Im George, said the boy. Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother. Cant you tell Im George. Sorry, George, dear. Only joking, I am Fred, said the boy, and off he went. His twin called after him to hurry up, and he must have done so, because a second later, he had gone - but how had he done it. Now the third brother was walking briskly toward the barrier - he was almost there - and then, quite suddenly, he wasnt anywhere. There was nothing Poftal for it. Excuse me, Harry said to the plump woman. Hello, dear, she said. First coc base at Hogwarts. Rons new, too. She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall, thin, and gangling, with freckles, big hands and feet, and a long nose. Yes, said Harry. The thing is - the thing is, I dont know how to - How to get onto xteam platform. she said kindly, and Harry nodded. Not to worry, she said. All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Dont stop and dont be scared tseam crash into it, thats very important. Best do it at dteam bit of a run if youre nervous. Go on, go now before Ron. Er - okay, said Harry. He pushed his trolley around and stared at steqm barrier. It looked very solid. He started to walk toward it. People jostled him on their way to platforms nine and ten. Harry walked more quickly. He was going to smash right into that barrier and then hed be in trouble - leaning forward on his cart, he broke into a heavy run - the barrier was coming nearer and nearer - he wouldnt be able to stop - the cart was out of control - he was a foot away - he closed his eyes ready for the crash - It didnt come. he kept on running. he opened his eyes. Stdam scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, eleven oclock. Harry looked behind him and saw click to see more wrought-iron archway where steeam barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it. He had done it. Smoke from the engine Protal over the heads of the chattering crowd, while cats of every color wound here and there between base th 11 legs. Owls hooted to one another in a disgruntled sort of way over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks. The first few carriages were already packed with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. Harry pushed his cart off down the platform in search of an empty seat. He passed a round-faced boy who was saying, Gran, Ive lost my toad again. Oh, Neville, he heard the old woman sigh. A boy with dreadlocks was surrounded by a small crowd. Give us a look, Lee, go on. The Pprtal lifted the lid of a box in his arms, and the people around him shrieked and yelled as something inside poked out a long, hairy leg. Harry pressed on through the crowd until he found an empty compartment near the end of the train. He put Hedwig inside first and then started to shove and heave his trunk toward the train door. He tried to lift it up the steps but could hardly raise one end and twice stdam dropped it painfully on his foot. Want a hand. It was one of the red-haired twins hed followed through the barrier. Yes, please, Harry panted. Oy, Fred. Cmere and help. With the twins help, Harrys trunk was at last tucked away in a corner of the compartment. Thanks, said Harry, pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes. Whats that. said one of the twins suddenly, pointing at Harrys lightning scar. Blimey, said the other twin. Are you -. He is, said the first twin. Arent you. he added to Harry. What. said Harry. Harry Potter, chorused the twins. Oh, him, said Harry. I mean, yes, I am. The two boys gawked at him, and Harry felt himself turning red. Then, to his relief, a voice came floating in through the trains open door. Fred. George. Are you there. Coming, Mum. With a last look at Harry, the twins hopped off the train. Harry sat down next to the window where, half hidden, he could watch the red-haired family on the platform and hear what they were saying. Their mother had just taken out her handkerchief. Ron, youve got something on your nose. The youngest boy tried to jerk out of the way, but she grabbed him and began rubbing the end of his nose. Mum - geroff. He wriggled free. Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie. said one of the twins. Shut up, said Ron. Wheres Percy. said their mother. Hes click at this page now. The oldest boy came striding into sight. He had already changed into his billowing black Hogwarts robes, and Harry noticed a shiny red-and-gold badge on his chest link the letter P on it. Cant stay long, Mother, he said. Im up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves - Oh, are you a prefect, Percy. said one of the twins, with an air of great surprise. You should have said something, we had no idea. Hang seam, I think I remember him saying something about it, said the other dteam. Once - Or twice - A minute - All steaj - Oh, shut up, said Percy the Prefect. How come Percy gets new robes, anyway. said one of the twins. Because hes a prefect, said their mother fondly. All right, dear, well, have a good term - send me an owl when you get there. She kissed Percy Portal steam the cheek and he left. Then she turned to the twins. Now, you two - this Potal, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl steam hell let me youve - youve blown up a toilet or - Blown up a toilet. Weve never blown up a toilet. Great idea though, thanks, Mum. Its not funny. And look after Ron. Dont worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us. Shut up, said Ron Portal steam. He was almost as tall as the twins already and ssteam nose was still pink where his mother had rubbed it. Hey, Mum, guess what. Guess who we just met on the train. Harry leaned back quickly so they couldnt see him looking. You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station. Know who he is. Who. Harry Potter. Harry heard the little girls voice. Oh, Mum, can I go on the train and see him, Mum, oh please. Youve already seen him, Ginny, and the poor boy isnt something you goggle at in a zoo. Is he really, Fred. How do you know. Asked him. Saw his scar. Its really there - like lightning. Poor dear - no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was ever so polite when he asked how to get onto the platform. Never mind that, do you think he remembers what You-Know-Who looks like. Their mother suddenly became very stern. I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, dont you dare. As though he needs reminding Portal steam that on his first day at school. All right, keep your hair on. A whistle sounded. Hurry up. their mother said, and the three boys clambered onto the train. They leaned out of the window for her to kiss them good-bye, and their younger sister began to cry. Dont, Ginny, well send you loads of owls. Well send you a Hogwarts toilet seat. George. Only joking, Mum. The train began to move. Harry saw the boys mother waving and their sister, half laughing, half crying, running to keep up with the train until it gathered too much speed, then she fell oPrtal and waved. Harry watched the girl and her mother disappear as the train rounded the corner. Houses flashed past the window. Harry felt a great leap of excitement. He didnt know what he was going to - but it had to be better than what he was leaving behind. The door of the compartment slid open and the youngest redheaded boy came in. Anyone sitting there. he asked, pointing at the seat opposite Harry. Everywhere else is full. Harry shook his head and the boy sat down. He glanced at Harry and then looked quickly out of the window, pretending he hadnt looked. Harry saw he still had a black mark on his nose. Hey, Ron. The twins were back. Listen, were going down the middle of the train - Lee Jordans got a giant tarantula down there. Right, mumbled Ron. Harry, said the other twin, did we introduce ourselves. Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. See you later, then. Bye, said Harry and Ron. The twins slid the compartment door shut behind them. Are you really Harry Potter. Ron blurted out. Harry nodded. Oh - well, I thought it might be one of Fred and Georges jokes, said Ron. And have you really got - you know. He pointed at Harrys forehead. Harry pulled back his bangs to show the lightning scar. Ron stared. So thats where You-Know-Who -. Yes, said Harry, but I cant remember it. Nothing. said Ron eagerly. Well - I remember a lot of green light, but nothing else. Wow, said Ron. He sat and stared at Harry for a few moments, then, as though he had suddenly realized what he was doing, he looked quickly out of the window again. Are all your family wizards. asked Harry, who found Ron just as interesting as Ron found him. Er - yes, I think so, said Ron. I think Mums got a second cousin whos an accountant, but we never talk about him. So you must know loads of magic already. The Weasleys were clearly one of those old wizarding families stean pale boy in Diagon Alley had talked about. I heard you went to live with Muggles, said Ron. What are they like. Horrible - well, not all of them. My aunt and uncle and cousin are, though. Wish Id had three wizard brothers. Five, said Ron. For some reason, he was looking gloomy. Im the sixth in our family to go to Hogwarts. You could say Ive got a lot to live up to. Bill and Charlie have already left - Bill was head boy and Charlie was captain of Quidditch. Now Percys a prefect. Fred and George mess around a lot, but they still get really good marks and everyone thinks theyre really funny. Everyone expects me to do as well as the others, but if I do, its no big deal, because they did it first. You never get anything new, either, with five brothers. Https:// got Bills old robes, Charlies old Protal, and Percys old rat. Ron reached inside his jacket and pulled out a fat gray rat, which was asleep. His names Scabbers and hes useless, he hardly ever wakes up. Percy got an owl from my dad for being made a prefect, but they couldnt aff - I mean, I got Scabbers instead. Rons ears went pink. He seemed to think hed said too much, because he went back to staring out of the window. Harry didnt think there was anything wrong with not being able to afford an owl. After all, hed never had any money in his life until a month ago, and he told Ron so, all about having to wear Stezm old clothes and never getting proper birthday presents. This seemed to cheer Ron up. and until Hagrid told me, I didnt know anything about being a wizard or about my parents or Voldemort Portal steam Ron gasped. What. said Harry.

The moment his eyes fell upon Ron, all other concerns fled Harrys mind, for blood drenched Layout coc th 9 whole of Rons left side thh his face stood out, grayish- white, against the leaf-strewn earth. The Polyjuice Potion was wearing off now: Ron was halfway Layoyt Cattermole and himself in appearance, his hair turning redder and redder as his face drained of the little color it had left. Whats happened to him. Splinched, said Hermione, her fingers already busy at Rons sleeve, where the blood was wettest and darkest. Harry watched, horrified, as she tore open Rons shirt. He had always thought of Splinching as something comical, but this. His insides crawled unpleasantly as Hermione laid bare Rons upper arm, where a great chunk of flesh was missing, foc cleanly away as though by a knife. Harry, quickly, in my bag, theres a small bottle labeled Essence of Dittany - Bag - right - Harry sped to the place where Hermione had landed, seized the tiny beaded bag, and thrust his hand inside it. At once, object after object began presenting itself to his touch: He felt the leather spines of books, woolly sleeves of jumpers, heels of shoes - Quickly. He grabbed his wand from the ground and pointed it into the depths of the magical bag. Accio Dittany. A small brown bottle zoomed out of the bag; he caught it and hastened back to Hermione and Ron, whose eyes were now half-closed, strips of white eyeball all that were visible between his lids. Hes fainted, said Hermione, who was also rather pale; she no longer looked source Mafalda, though her hair was still gray in places. Unstopper it for me, Harry, my hands are shaking. Harry wrenched the stopper off the little bottle, Hermione took it and poured three drops of the potion onto the bleeding wound. Greenish smoke billowed upward Lauout when it had cleared, Harry saw that the bleeding had stopped. The wound now looked several days old; new skin stretched over what had just been open flesh. Wow, said Harry. Its all I feel safe doing, said Hermione shakily. There are spells that would put him completely right, but I darent try in case I do them wrong and cause more damage. Hes lost so much blood already. How did he get hurt. I mean - Harry shook his head, trying to clear it, to make sense of whatever had just taken place - why are we here. I thought Layoutt were going back to Grimmauld Place. Hermione took a deep breath. She looked close to tears. Harry, I base for th 10 think were going to be Layout coc th 9 to go back there. What dyou -. As we Disapparated, Yaxley caught hold of me and I couldnt get rid of him, he was too strong, and he was still holding t when we arrived at Grimmauld Place, and then - well, I think he Layout coc th 9 have seen the door, and thought we were stopping there, so he slackened his grip and I managed to shake him off and I brought us here instead. But then, wheres he. Hang on. You dont mean hes at Grimmauld Place. He cant get in there. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears as she nodded. Harry, I think he can. I - I forced him to let go with a Revulsion Jinx, but Id already taken him inside the Fidelius Charms protection. Since Dumbledore died, xoc Secret-Keepers, so Ive given him the secret, havent I. There was Layojt pretending; Harry was sure she was right. It was a serious blow. If Yaxley could now get inside the house, there was no way that they could return. Even now, he could be bringing other Death Eaters in there by Apparition. Gloomy and oppressive though the house was, it had been click one safe refuge: even, now that Kreacher was so much happier and friendlier, a kind of home. With a twinge of regret that had nothing to do with food, Harry imagined the house-elf busying himself over the steak-and-kidney pie that Harry, Ron, and Hermione would never eat. Harry, Im sorry, Im so sorry. Dont be stupid, it wasnt your fault. If anything, it was mine. Harry put his hand in his pocket and drew out Mad-Eyes eye. Hermione recoiled, looking horrified. Layout coc th 9 had stuck it to her office door, to spy on people. I couldnt leave it there. but thats how they knew there were intruders. Before Hermione could answer, Ron groaned and opened his eyes. He was still gray and his face glistened with sweat. How dyou feel. Hermione whispered. Lousy, croaked Ron, wincing as he felt his injured arm. Where are we. In the woods where they held the Quidditch World Cup, said Hermione. I wanted somewhere enclosed, undercover, and this was - - the first place you thought of, Harry finished for her, glancing around at the apparently deserted glade. Lajout could not Layout coc th 9 remembering what had happened the last time they had Apparated to the first place Hermione had thought of - how Death Eaters had found them within minutes. Had it been Legilimency. Did Visit web page or his henchmen know, even now, where Hermione had taken them.

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Portal steam

By Tojin

I have brought you here so that you may look in it, if you will. The air was very still, and the dell was dark, and the Elf-lady beside him was tall and pale. What shall we look for, and what shall we see.