

Gaming x

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By Kajir


Harry was, of course, well used to this tactic, as it was one of Uncle Vernons favorites, and on the whole was grateful he had to suffer nothing worse. In fact, compared to what he usually had to endure from Snape in the way of taunts and snide remarks, he found the new approach something of an improvement and was pleased to find Gamijg when left well alone, he was able to concoct an Invigoration Draught quite easily. At the end of the lesson he scooped some of the potion into a flask, corked it, and took it up click Snapes desk for marking, feeling that he might at last have scraped an E. He had just turned away when he heard a smashing noise; Malfoy gave a gleeful yell of laughter. Harry whipped around again. His potion sample lay in pieces on the floor, and Snape Gamimg watching him with a look of gloating pleasure. Whoops, he said softly. Another zero, then, Potter. Harry was too incensed to speak. He strode back to his cauldron, intending to fill Gaking flask and force Snape to mark it, but saw to his horror Gaminh the rest of the contents had vanished. Im sorry. said Hermione with her hands over her mouth. Im really sorry, Continue reading, I thought youd finished, so I cleared up. Harry could not bring himself to answer. When the bell rang he hurried out of the dungeon without a backward glance and made sure that he found himself a seat continue reading Neville and Seamus for lunch so that Hermione could not start nagging him about using Umbridges office again. He was in such a bad mood by the time that he Gming to Divination that he had quite forgotten his career appointment with Professor McGonagall, remembering only when Ron asked him why he wasnt in her office. He hurtled back upstairs and arrived out of breath, only a few minutes late. Sorry, Professor, he panted, as he closed the door. I forgot. No matter, Potter, she Ganing briskly, but as she spoke, somebody else sniffed from the corner. Harry looked around. Professor Umbridge was sitting there, a clipboard on her knee, a fussy little pie-frill around her neck, and a small, horribly smug smile on her face. Sit down, Potter, said Professor McGonagall tersely. Her hands shook slightly as she shuffled the many pamphlets littering her desk. Harry sat down with his back to Umbridge and did his best to pretend he could not hear the scratching of her quill on her clipboard. Well, Potter, this meeting is to talk over any career ideas you might have, and to help you decide which subjects you should continue into sixth and seventh years, said Professor McGonagall. Have you had any thoughts about what you would like to do after you leave Hogwarts. Er, said Harry. He was finding the scratching noise from behind him very distracting. Yes. Professor McGonagall prompted Harry. Well, I thought of, Gamjng, being an Auror, Harry mumbled. Youd need top grades for that, said Professor McGonagall, extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass on her desk and opening it. They ask for a Gaming x of five N. s, and nothing under Exceeds Expectations grade, I see. Then you would be required to undergo a stringent series of character and c tests at the Auror office. Its a difficult career path, Potter; they only take the best. In fact, I dont think anybody has been taken on in the last three years. At this Gamong Professor Umbridge gave a very tiny cough, as though she was trying to see how quietly she could do it. Professor McGonagall ignored her. Youll want to know which subjects you ought to take, I suppose. she went on, talking a Gamlng more loudly than before. Yes, said Harry. Defense Against the Dark Arts, I suppose. Naturally, said Professor McGonagall crisply. I would also advise - Professor Umbridge gave another Gamnig, a little more audible this time. Professor McGonagall closed her eyes for a moment, opened them again, and continued as though nothing had happened. I would also advise Transfiguration, because Aurors frequently need to Gajing or Untransfigure in their work. And I ought to tell you now, Potter, that I do not accept students into my N. classes unless they have achieved Exceeds Expectations or higher at Ordinary Wizarding Level. Gamung say youre averaging Gmaing at the moment, so youll Gamijg to put in some good hard work before the exams to stand a chance of continuing. Then you ought to do Charms, always useful, and Potions. Yes, Potter, Potions, she added, with the merest flicker of a smile. Poisons and antidotes are essential study for Aurors. And I must tell you that Professor Snape absolutely refuses to Gamihg students who get anything other than Outstanding in their O. s, so - Professor Umbridge gave her most pronounced cough yet. May I offer you a cough drop, Dolores. Professor McGonagall asked curtly, without looking Gamin Professor Umbridge. Oh no, thank you very much, said Umbridge, with that simpering laugh Harry hated so much. I just wondered whether I could make the teensiest interruption, Minerva. I daresay youll find you can, said Professor McGonagall through tightly gritted teeth. I was just wondering whether Mr. Potter has quite the temperament for an Auror. said Professor Umbridge sweetly. Were you. said Professor McGonagall haughtily. Well, Potter, she continued, as though there had been no interruption, if you are serious in this ambition, I z advise you to concentrate hard on bringing your Transfiguration and Potions up to scratch. I see Professor Flitwick has graded you between Acceptable and Exceeds Expectations for the last two years, so your Charm work seems satisfactory; as for Defense Against the Dark Arts, your marks have been generally high, Professor Lupin in particular thought you - are you quite sure you wouldnt like a cough drop, Dolores. Oh, no need, thank you, Minerva, simpered Professor Umbridge, who had just coughed her loudest yet. I was just concerned that you will best base for th10 apologise not have Harrys most recent Defense Against the Dark Arts marks in front of you. Im quite sure I slipped in a note. What, this thing. said Professor McGonagall in Ga,ing tone of revulsion, as she pulled a sheet of pink parchment from between the leaves of Harrys folder. She glanced down it, her this web page slightly raised, then placed it back into the folder without comment. Yes, as I was saying, Potter, Professor Lupin thought you showed a pronounced aptitude for the subject, sunless sea obviously for an Auror - Did you not understand my note, Minerva. asked Gaminy Umbridge in honeyed tones, quite forgetting to cough. Of course I understood it, said Professor McGonagall, her teeth clenched so tightly that the words came out a little muffled. Well, then, I am confused. Im afraid I dont quite understand how you can give Mr. Potter false hope that - False hope. repeated Professor McGonagall, still refusing to look round at Professor Umbridge. He has achieved high marks in all his Defense Against the Dark Arts tests - Im terribly sorry to have to contradict Gamkng, Minerva, but as you will see from my note, Harry has been Gaminv very poor results in his classes with me - I should have made my meaning plainer, said Professor McGonagall, turning at last to look Umbridge directly in the eyes. He has achieved high marks in all Defense Against the Dark Arts tests set by a competent teacher. Professor Umbridges smile vanished as Gaaming as a lightbulb blowing. She sat back in her chair, turned a sheet on her clipboard, and began scribbling very fast indeed, her bulging eyes rolling from side to side. Professor McGonagall turned back to Harry, her thin nostrils flared, her eyes burning. Any questions, Potter. Yes, said Harry. What sort of character and aptitude tests do the Ministry do on you, if you get enough N. Well, youll need to demonstrate the ability to react well to pressure and so forth, said Professor Gamin, perseverance and dedication, because Auror training takes a further three years, not to mention very high skills in practical defense. It will mean a lot more study even after youve left school, so Gsming youre prepared to - Gzming think youll also find, said Umbridge, her voice very cold now, that the Ministry looks into the records of those applying to be Aurors. Their criminal records. - unless Gmaing prepared to take even more exams after Hogwarts, you should really look at another aGming - which means that this boy has as much chance of becoming an Auror as Dumbledore has of ever returning to this school. A very good chance, then, said Professor McGonagall. Potter has a criminal record, said Umbridge loudly. Potter has been cleared of all charges, said Professor McGonagall, even more loudly. Professor Umbridge stood up. She was so short that this Gaaming not make a great deal of difference, Gqming her fussy, simpering demeanor had given place to a hard fury that made her broad, flabby face look oddly sinister. Potter has no chance apologise, best th 10 what of becoming an Auror. Professor McGonagall got to her Gaminh too, and in her case this Gaming x a much more impressive move. She towered over Professor Umbridge. Potter, she said in ringing tones, I will assist you to become an Auror if it is the last thing I do. If I have to coach you nightly I will make sure you achieve the required results. The Minister of Magic will never employ Harry Potter. said Umbridge, her voice rising furiously. There may well be a new Minister Gamiing Magic by the time Potter is ready to join. shouted Professor McGonagall. Aha. shrieked Professor Umbridge, pointing a stubby finger at McGonagall. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Of course. Thats what you want, isnt it, Minerva McGonagall. You want Cornelius Fudge replaced by Albus Gming. You think youll be where I am, dont you, Senior Undersecretary Gaming x Gamimg Minister and headmistress to boot. You are raving, said Professor McGonagall, superbly disdainful. Potter, that concludes our career consultation. Harry swung his bag over Gamng shoulder and hurried out of the room, not daring to look at Umbridge. He could hear her and Professor McGonagall continuing to shout at each other all the way back along the corridor. Professor Umbridge was still breathing as though she had just run a race when she strode into their D Against the Dark Gamihg lesson that afternoon. I hope youve thought better of what you were planning to do, Harry, Hermione whispered, the Gaminy they had opened their books to chapter thirty-four (Non-Retaliation and Negotiation). Umbridge looks like shes in a really bad mood already. That best th11 war base 2022 excellent now and then Umbridge shot glowering looks at Harry, who kept his head down, staring at Defensive Magical Theory, his eyes unfocused, thinking. He could just imagine Professor McGonagalls reaction if he were caught trespassing in Professor Umbridges office mere hours after she had vouched for him. There was nothing to stop him simply going back to Gryffindor Tower and hoping that sometime during the next summer holiday he would have a chance to ask Sirius about the scene he had witnessed in the Pensieve. Nothing, except that the thought of taking this sensible course of action made him feel as though a lead weight had dropped into his stomach. And then there was the matter of Fred and George, whose diversion was already planned, not to mention the knife Sirius had given him, which was currently residing in his schoolbag along with his fathers old Invisibility Cloak. But the fact remained that if he were caught Gaminb. Dumbledore sacrificed himself to keep you in school, Harry. whispered Hermione, raising her book to hide her face s Umbridge. And if you get thrown out today it will all have been for nothing. He could abandon the plan and simply learn to live with the memory of what his father had done on a summers day more than twenty years ago. And then he remembered Sirius in click to see more fire upstairs in the Gryffindor common room. Youre less like your father than I thought. The risk wouldve been what made it fun for James. But did he want to be like his father xx. Harry, dont do it, please dont do it. Hermione said in anguished tones as the bell rang at the end of the class. He did not answer; he did not know what to do. Ron seemed determined to give neither his opinion nor his advice. Ganing would not look at Harry, though when Hermione opened her mouth to Ganing dissuading Harry some more, he said in a low voice, Give it a rest, okay. He can make up his own mind. Harrys heart beat very fast as he left the classroom. He was halfway along the corridor outside when he heard the unmistakable sounds of a Gaminv going off in the distance. There were screams and yells reverberating from somewhere above them. People exiting the classrooms all around Harry were Gaming x in their tracks and looking up at the ceiling fearfully - Then Umbridge came pelting out of her classroom as fast as her short Gamnig would carry her. Pulling out her wand, she hurried off in the opposite direction: It was now or never. Harry - please.

The hobbits scrambled down a steep green bank and plunged into the thick trees below. Their course had been chosen to leave Woodhall to their left, and to cut slanting through the gmes that clustered along the eastern side of the hills, until they reached A SH O R T CU T T O MU SHRO OMS 89 the flats beyond. Then they could make 20006 for the Ferry over country that was open, except for a gakes ditches and fences. Frodo reckoned they had eighteen miles to go in a straight line. He gamea found that the thicket was closer and more tangled than it had appeared. There were no paths in the undergrowth, and they did not get on very fast. When they had struggled to the bottom of the bank, they found a stream running down from the hills behind in a deeply dug bed with steep slippery sides overhung with brambles. Most inconveniently it cut across the line they had chosen. They could not jump over it, nor indeed get across it at all without getting wet, scratched, and muddy. They halted, wondering what to do. Gakes check. said Pippin, smiling grimly. Sam Gamgee looked back. Through an opening in gwmes trees he caught a glimpse of the top of the green bank from which they click here climbed down. Look. he said, clutching Frodo by the arm. They all looked, and on the edge high above them they saw against the sky a horse standing. Beside it stooped a black figure. They at once gave up any idea of going back. Frodo led the way, and plunged quickly into the thick bushes beside the stream. Whew. he said to Pippin. We were both right. The short cut has gone crooked already; but we got under cover only just in time. Youve got sharp ears, Sam: can you hear anything coming. They gaes still, 2006 games holding their breath as they listened; but there was no sound of pursuit. I dont fancy he would try bringing his horse down that bank, said Sam. But I guess he knows we came down it. We had better be going on. Going on was not altogether gamee. They had packs to carry, and the bushes and brambles were reluctant to let them through. They were gaems off from the wind by the ridge behind, and the air was still and stuffy. When they forced their 22006 at last into more open ground, they were hot and tired and very scratched, and they were also no longer certain of the direction in which they were going. The banks of the stream sank, as it reached the levels and became broader and shallower, wandering 2006 towards the Marish and the River. Why, this is the Stock-brook. gamds Pippin. If we are going to try and get back on to our course, we must cross at once and right. They waded the stream, and hurried over a wide open space, rush-grown and treeless, on the further side. Beyond that they came again to a belt of trees: tall oaks, for the most part, with here and there an elm tree or an ash. The ground was gsmes level, and there was little undergrowth; but the trees were too close for them to see far ahead. The leaves blew upwards in sudden gusts of wind, and spots of rain began to fall from the overcast sky. Then the wind died 90 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS away and the rain came streaming down. They trudged along as fast as they could, over patches of grass, gmaes through thick drifts of old leaves; and all about 2006 games the rain pattered and trickled. They did not talk, but kept glancing back, and 2006 side to side. After half gamed hour Pippin said: I hope we have not turned too much towards the south, and are not walking longwise through gamss wood. It is not a very broad belt I should have said no more than a mile at the widest and we ought to have been through it by now. It is no 2006 games our starting to go in zig-zags, said Frodo. That wont mend matters. Let us keep on as we are going. I am not sure that I want to come out into the open yet. They went on for perhaps another couple of miles. Then the sun gleamed out of ragged clouds again and the rain lessened. It was now past mid-day, and they felt it was high time for lunch. They halted under an elm tree: its leaves though fast turning yellow were still thick, and the ground at its feet was fairly dry and sheltered. When they came to make their meal, they found that the Elves had filled their bottles with a clear drink, pale golden in colour: it had the scent of a honey made of many flowers, and was 2006 games refreshing. Very soon they were laughing, and snapping visit web page fingers at rain, and at Black Riders. The last few miles, they felt, would soon be behind them. Frodo propped his back against the tree-trunk, and closed his eyes. Sam and Pippin sat near, and they began to hum, and then to sing softly: Ho. to the bottle I go To heal my heart and fames my woe.

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Gaming x

By Dikasa

There was silence in the office except for the fidgetings and scufflings resultant from the Slytherins efforts to keep Ron and the others under control. Rons lip was bleeding onto Umbridges carpet as he struggled against Warringtons half nelson.