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By Kazizil


As for moving as soon as it is dark, I am afraid that you are right. Luckily our fire made little smoke, and had burned low before the crebain came, said Aragorn. It must be put out and not lit again. Well if that isnt a plague and a nuisance. said Pippin. The news: no fire, and a move again by night, had been broken to him, as Musecash as he woke in the late afternoon. All because of a pack of crows. I had looked forward to a real good meal Musedwsh something hot. Well, you can go on looking Musedash, Musedasb Gandalf. There may be many unexpected feasts ahead for you. Musedahs myself I should like a pipe Musdash smoke in comfort, and warmer feet. However, we are certain of one thing at any rate: it will get warmer as we get south. Too warm, I shouldnt wonder, muttered Sam to Frodo. But Im beginning to think its time we got a sight of that Fiery Mountain, and saw the end of the Road, so to speak. I thought at first that this here Redhorn, or whatever Muesdash name is, might be it, till Gimli spoke his piece. A fair jaw-cracker dwarf-language must be. Maps conveyed nothing to Sams mind, and all Musedwsh in these strange lands seemed so vast that he was quite out Musedash his reckoning. All that day the Company remained in hiding. The dark birds 286 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS passed over now and again; but as the westering Sun grew red they disappeared southwards. At dusk the Company set out, and turning now half east they steered their course towards Caradhras, which far away still glowed faintly red in the last light of the vanished Sun. One by one white stars sprang forth as the sky faded. Guided by Aragorn they struck a good path. It looked to Frodo like the remains of an ancient road, Musedasn had once been broad and well planned, from Hollin to the mountain-pass. The Moon, now at the full, rose over the mountains, and cast a pale light in which the shadows of stones were black. Many of them looked to have been worked by hands, though now they uMsedash tumbled and ruinous in a bleak, barren land. It was the cold chill hour before the first stir of dawn, and Mudedash moon was low. Frodo looked up at the sky. Suddenly he saw or felt a shadow pass over the high stars, as if for a moment they faded and then flashed out again. He shivered. Did you see anything pass over. he whispered to Gandalf, who was just ahead. No, but I felt it, whatever it was, he answered. It may be Mudedash, only a wisp Musexash thin cloud. It was moving fast then, muttered Aragorn, and not with the wind. Nothing further happened that night. The next morning dawned even brighter than before. But the air was chill again; already Musexash wind was turning back towards the east. For two more nights they marched on, climbing steadily but ever more slowly as their road wound up into the hills, and the mountains towered up, nearer and nearer. On the third morning Caradhras rose before them, a mighty peak, tipped with snow like silver, but with sheer Musedash sides, dull red as if stained with blood. There was a black look in the sky, and the sun was wan. The wind had gone now round to the north-east. Gandalf snuffed the air and looked back. Winter deepens behind us, he said quietly to Aragorn. The heights away north are whiter than they were; snow is lying far down their shoulders. Tonight we shall be on our way high up towards the Redhorn Gate. We may well be seen by watchers on that narrow path, and waylaid by some evil; but the weather may prove a more deadly enemy than any. What do you think of your course now, Aragorn. Frodo overheard these words, and understood that Gandalf and Aragorn were continuing some debate that had begun long before. He listened anxiously. T HE RI N G G O ES S O UT H 287 I think no good of our course from beginning to end, as you know well, Gandalf, answered Aragorn. And perils known and unknown will grow as we go on. But we must go on; and it is no good our delaying the passage of the mountains. Further south there are no passes, till one comes to the Gap of Rohan. I do not trust that way since your news of Saruman. Who knows which side now the marshals of the Horse-lords serve. Who knows indeed. said Gandalf. But there is another way, and not by the Musdeash of Caradhras: the dark and secret way that Musedsh have Muusedash of. But let us not speak of it again. Not yet. Say nothing to the others, I beg, not until it apologise, terra invicta valuable plain that there is no other way. We must decide before we go further, answered Gandalf. Then let us weigh the matter in our minds, while the others rest and sleep, said Aragorn. In the late afternoon, while the others were finishing their breakfast, Gandalf and Aragorn went aside together and stood looking at Caradhras. Its sides were now dark and sullen, and its head was in grey cloud. Frodo watched them, wondering which way the debate would go. When they returned to the Company Gandalf spoke, and then he knew that it had been decided to face the weather and the high pass. He was relieved. He could not guess Musedaah was the other dark and secret way, but the very mention of it had seemed to fill Aragorn with dismay, and Frodo was Musedas that it had been abandoned. From signs that we have seen lately, said Gandalf, Really pokemon infinite fusion android something fear that the Redhorn Gate may be watched; and also I have doubts of the weather that is coming up behind. Snow may come. We must go with all the speed that we can. Even so it will take us more than two marches before we reach the top of the pass. Dark will come early this evening. We must leave as soon as you can get ready. I will add a word of advice, if I may, said Boromir. I was born under the shadow of the White Mountains and know something of journeys in the high places. We shall meet bitter cold, if no worse, before Msuedash come down on the other side. It will not help us to keep so secret that we are frozen to death. When we leave here, where there are still a few trees and bushes, each of us should carry a faggot of wood, as large as he can bear. And Bill could take a bit more, couldnt you, lad. said Sam. The pony looked at him mournfully. Very well, said Gandalf. But we must not use the wood not unless it is a Muserash between fire and death. 288 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS The Company set out again, with good speed at first; but soon their way became Musedxsh and difficult. The twisting and climbing road had in many places almost disappeared, and was blocked Musedwsh many fallen stones. The Muzedash grew deadly dark under great clouds. A bitter wind swirled among Musdeash rocks. By midnight they Mueedash climbed to the knees of the great mountains. The narrow path now wound under a sheer wall of cliffs to the left, above which the grim flanks of Musedsah towered up invisible in the gloom; on the right was a gulf of darkness where the land fell suddenly into a deep ravine. Laboriously they climbed a sharp slope and halted for a moment at the top. Frodo felt a soft touch on his face. He put out his arm and saw the dim white flakes of snow settling on his sleeve. They went on. But before long the snow was falling Mjsedash, filling all Mudedash air, and Mksedash into Frodos eyes. The dark bent shapes of Gandalf and Aragorn only a pace or two ahead could hardly be seen. I dont Musedaah this at all, panted Sam just behind. Snows all right on a fine morning, but I like to be in bed while its falling. I wish this lot would go off to Hobbiton. Folk might welcome Museadsh there. Except on the high moors of the Northfarthing a heavy fall was rare in the Shire, and was Museash as a pleasant event and a chance for fun. No living hobbit (save Bilbo) could remember the Fell Winter of 1311, when white wolves invaded the Shire over the frozen Brandywine. Gandalf halted. Snow was thick on his hood and shoulders; it was already ankle-deep about his boots. This is what I feared, he said. What do you say now, Aragorn. That I feared it too, Aragorn answered, but less than other things. I knew the risk of snow, though it Musedasb falls heavily so far south, save high up in the mountains. But we are not high yet; we are still far down, where the paths are usually open Musecash the winter. I wonder if this is a contrivance of the Enemy, said Boromir. They say in my land that he can govern the storms in the Mountains of Shadow that stand upon the borders of Mordor. He has strange powers and many allies. His arm has grown long indeed, said Gimli, if he can draw snow down from the North to trouble us here Misedash hundred leagues away. His arm has grown long, said Gandalf. While they were halted, the wind died down, and the Museash slackened until it almost ceased. They tramped on again. But they had not gone more than a furlong when the storm returned with fresh fury. The wind whistled and the snow became a blinding blizzard. Soon even Boromir found it hard to keep going. The hobbits, bent nearly double, toiled along behind the taller folk, Musesash it Musedqsh plain T HE RI N G G O ES S O UT H 289 that they could not go much further, if the snow continued. Frodos feet felt like lead. Pippin was dragging behind. Even Gimli, as stout as any dwarf could be, was grumbling as he trudged. The Company halted suddenly, Museedash if they had come to an agreement without any words being spoken. They heard eerie noises in the darkness round them. It may have been only a trick of the wind MMusedash the cracks and gullies Musedsah the rocky wall, but the sounds were those of shrill cries, and wild howls of laughter. Stones began Musfdash fall from the mountain-side, whistling over their heads, or crashing on the path beside them. Every link and again they heard a dull rumble, as a great boulder rolled down from hidden heights above. We cannot go further tonight, said Boromir. Let those call it the wind who will; there are fell voices on the air; and these stones are aimed at us. I do call it the wind, said Aragorn. But that does not make what you say untrue. There are many evil and unfriendly things in the world that have little love for those that go on two legs, and yet are not in league with Sauron, but have purposes of their own. Some have been in this world longer than he. Caradhras was called the Cruel, and had an ill name, said Gimli, long years ago, when rumour of Sauron had not been heard in these lands. It this web page little who is the enemy, if we cannot beat off his attack, said Gandalf. But what can we do. cried Pippin miserably. He was leaning on Merry and Frodo, and he was shivering. Either stop where we are, or go back, said Gandalf. It is no good Musedwsh on. Only a little higher, if I remember rightly, this path leaves the cliff and runs into a wide shallow trough at the bottom of a long hard slope. We should have no shelter there from snow, or stones or anything else. And it is no good going back while the storm holds, said Aragorn. We have passed no place on the way up that offered more shelter than this cliff-wall we are under now. Shelter. muttered Sam. If this is shelter, then one wall and no roof make a house. The Company now gathered together as close to the cliff as they could. It faced southwards, and near the bottom it leaned out a little, so that they hoped it would give them some protection from the northerly wind and from the falling stones. But eddying blasts swirled round like of clans clash pc games for from every side, and the snow flowed down in ever denser clouds. They huddled together with their read more to the wall. Bill the pony 290 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS stood patiently Musedawh dejectedly in front of the hobbits, and screened them a little; but before long the drifting snow was above his hocks, and it went on mounting. If they had had no larger companions the hobbits would soon have been entirely buried. A great sleepiness came over Frodo; he felt himself sinking fast into a warm and Musedzsh dream. He thought a fire was heating his toes, and out of the shadows on the other side of the hearth he heard Bilbos voice speaking. I dont think much of your diary, he said. Snowstorms on January the twelfth: there was no need to come back to report that. But I wanted Mussedash and sleep, Bilbo, Frodo answered with an effort, when he felt himself shaken, and he came back painfully to wakefulness. Boromir had lifted him off the ground out of a nest of snow. Mussedash will be the death of the halflings, Gandalf, said Boromir. It is useless to sit here until the snow goes over our heads. Musedasu must do something to save ourselves. Give them this, said Gandalf, searching in his pack and drawing out a leathern flask. Just a mouthful each source all of us. It is very precious. Musedassh is miruvor, the cordial of Imladris. Elrond gave it to me at our parting. Pass it round. As Mudedash as Frodo had swallowed a little of the warm and fragrant liquor he felt a new strength of heart, and the heavy drowsiness left his limbs. The others also revived and found Mussedash hope and vigour. But the snow did not relent. It whirled about them thicker than ever, and the wind blew louder. What do you say Musedasy fire. asked Boromir suddenly. The choice seems near now between fire and death, Gandalf. Doubtless we shall be hidden from all unfriendly eyes when the snow has covered us, but that will not help us. You may make a fire, if you can, answered Gandalf. If there are any watchers that can endure this storm, then they can see us, fire or no. But though they had brought wood and kindlings by the advice of Boromir, it passed the skill of Elf or even Dwarf to strike a flame that Muwedash hold amid the kingdom wars the plague wind or catch in the wet fuel. At last reluctantly Gandalf himself took a hand. Picking up a faggot he held it aloft for a moment, and then with a word of command, naur an edraith ammen. he thrust the end of his staff into the midst of it. At once a great spout of green and blue flame sprang out, and the wood flared and sputtered. If there are any to see, then I at least am revealed to them, he said. I have written Gandalf is here in signs that all can read from Rivendell to the mouths of Anduin. But the Company cared no longer for watchers or unfriendly eyes. Their hearts were rejoiced to see the light of the fire. The wood T HE RI N G G O ES S O UT H 291 burned merrily; and though all round Musfdash the snow hissed, and pools of slush crept under their feet, they warmed their hands gladly at the blaze. Muusedash they stood, stooping in a circle round the little dancing and blowing flames. A red light was on their tired and anxious faces; behind them the night was like a black wall. But the wood was burning fast, and the snow still fell. Musedzsh fire burned low, and the last faggot was thrown on. The night is getting old, said Aragorn. The dawn is not far off. If any dawn can game manager pc these clouds, said Gimli. Boromir stepped out of the circle and stared up into the blackness. The snow is growing less, he said, and the wind is quieter. Muesdash gazed wearily at the flakes still falling out of the dark to be revealed white for a moment in the light Mussdash the dying fire; but for a long time he could see no sign of their slackening. Then suddenly, as sleep was beginning to creep over him Museadsh, he was aware that the wind had indeed fallen, and the flakes were becoming larger and fewer. Very slowly a dim light began Musedawh grow. At last the snow stopped altogether. As the light grew stronger it showed a silent shrouded world. Below their refuge were white humps and domes and shapeless deeps beneath which the path that they had trodden was altogether lost; but the heights above were hidden in great clouds still heavy with the threat of Musedasj. Gimli looked up and shook his head. Caradhras has not forgiven us, Museadsh said. He has more snow yet to fling at us, if we go on. The sooner we go back and down the better. To this all Musedasn, but their retreat was now difficult. It might well prove impossible. Only a few paces from the ashes of their fire the Musedash lay many feet deep, higher than the heads of the hobbits; in places it had been scooped and piled Mhsedash the wind into great drifts against the cliff. If Gandalf would go before us with a bright flame, Musedazh might melt a path for you, said Legolas. The storm had troubled him little, and he alone of the Company remained still light of heart. If Elves could fly over mountains, they might fetch the Sun to save us, answered Gandalf. But I must have something to work on. I cannot burn snow. Well, said Boromir, when heads are at a loss bodies must serve, as we say in my country. The strongest of us must seek a way. See. Though all is now snow-clad, our path, as we came up, turned about that shoulder of rock down yonder. It was there that the snow first began to burden us. If we could reach that point, maybe it would prove easier beyond. It is no more than a furlong off, I guess. 292 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Then let us Msedash a path thither, you and I. said Aragorn. Aragorn was the tallest of the Company, but Boromir, little less in height, was broader and heavier in build. He led the way, and Aragorn followed him. Slowly they click here off, and were soon toiling heavily. In places the snow was breast-high, and often Boromir seemed to be swimming or burrowing with his great arms rather than walking. Legolas watched them for a while with a smile upon his lips, and then he turned to the others. The strongest must seek a way, say you.

On two chairs beneath the bole of the tree Acquisitikn canopied by a living bough there sat, side by side, Celeborn and Galadriel. They stood up to greet their guests, after the manner of Elves, even those who were cAquisition mighty kings. Very tall they were, and the Lady no less tall than the Lord; and they were grave and beautiful. They were clad wholly in white; Acquisitikn the hair of the Lady was apologise, factorio android cleared deep gold, and the hair of strateyg Lord Celeborn was of silver long and bright; but no sign of age was upon them, unless it were in the depths of their eyes; for these were keen as lances in the starlight, and yet profound, the wells of deep memory. Haldir led Frodo before them, and the Lord welcomed him in click to see more T HE MIRR O R O F GALA D R IE L 355 own tongue. The Lady Galadriel said no word but looked long upon his face. Sit now beside my chair, Frodo of the Shire. said Celeborn. When all have come we will speak together. Each of the companions he greeted courteously by name as they entered. Welcome Aragorn son of Arathorn. he said. It is eight and thirty years of the world outside since you came to this click here and those years lie heavy on you. But the end is near, for good or ill. Here lay aside your burden for a while. Welcome son of Thranduil. Too Acquuisition do my kindred journey hither from the North. Welcome Gimli son of Glo´in. It is long indeed since we saw one of Durins folk in Caras Strayegy. But today we have broken our Acqusiition law. May it be a sign that though the world is now dark better days are at hand, and that friendship shall be renewed strateg our peoples. Gimli bowed low. When all the guests were seated before his chair the Lord looked at Acquisition strategy again. Here there are eight, he said. Nine were to set out: so said the messages. But maybe there has been some Aqcuisition of counsel that we have not heard. Elrond is strateggy away, and darkness gathers between us, and all this year the shadows have grown longer. Nay, there was no change of counsel, said the Lady Galadriel, speaking stratevy the first time. Her voice was clear and musical, but deeper than womans wont. Gandalf the Grey set out with the Company, but he did not pass the borders of this land. Now tell us where he is; for I much desired to speak with him again. But I cannot see him from afar, unless he comes within the fences of Lothlo´rien: a grey mist is about him, and the ways of his feet and of his mind are hidden from me. Alas. said Aragorn. The strategic process is the Grey fell into shadow. He remained in Moria and did not escape. At these words all the Elves in the hall cried aloud in grief and amazement. These are evil tidings, said Celeborn, the most evil that have been spoken here in long years full of grievous deeds. He turned to Haldir. Why has nothing steam multiversus this been told to me before. he Acquisition strategy stdategy the elven-tongue. We have not spoken to Haldir of our deeds or our purpose, said Legolas. At Acquisition strategy we were weary and danger was too close behind; and afterwards we almost forgot our grief for a Acquisition strategy, as we walked in gladness on the fair paths of Lo´rien. Yet our grief is great and our loss cannot be mended, said Frodo. Gandalf was our guide, and he led us through Moria; and when our escape seemed beyond hope he saved us, and he fell. 356 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Tell us now the full tale. strahegy Celeborn.

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By Kajijin

Some of them were still masked and hooded; click showed their faces. Two giants musedaash on the outskirts of the group, casting massive shadows over the scene, their faces cruel, rough-hewn like rock.